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Parent Information

Posted Date: 07/22/2021

Animals and Plants in the School
Persons bringing animals and plants into the school must receive permission from the supervising teacher and the building principal. All experiments using live animals must have prior approval of the principal. Under no circumstances are animals to be transported on school buses. Animals must be inoculated against rabies at the student’s expense before the student may bring such animal to school. Animals must be adequately housed and cared for in screened cages. Handling of animals and plants by students must be on a voluntary basis. Only the teacher or students designated by the teacher are to handle the animals. Teachers must assume primary responsibility for the humane, proper treatment of any animal in the classroom. Teachers must be aware of federal and state laws regulating the handling of animals both domestic and wild.(Cf.KSA21-4310) If animals are to be kept in the classroom on days when classes are not in session, the teacher must make arrangements for their feeding, care and safety.

Enrollment Fees – 2021-22
Textbook Rental and Supply Fee for Kindergarten through Fifth Grades – $115.00; Textbook Rental and Supply Fee for Grades Sixth – $132.00; Textbook Rental and Supply Fee for Grades Seventh – $160.00; and Textbook Rental and Supply Fee for Grades Eighth – $160.00.

Textbook Rental and Supply Fee for Grades 9-12 – $140.00.  There will be a $20.00 per class for Accounting, Adv. Accounting,  and all Agriculture Courses.  There will also be a $20.00 per class charge for Photography and all Science Courses. There will be a $20.00 charge for High School Foods, and an $15.00 towel fee for students in athletics and/or physical education.

Health Services
A school nurse is on duty on a regular basis. First aid is administered to children who are accidentally hurt on the school grounds or while en route to school. Students are not to come to school when they are ill; nor should they come expecting first aid for accidents, which are not school related.

In case of an accident on the school premises, first aid will be rendered and if necessary, the child will be referred to a physician. The parent will be called immediately if this seems advisable. Therefore, it is essential for the school to have on file the following information: telephone number or numbers where parents may be reached, the names and telephone numbers of relatives or friends who should be contacted when parents are not available, and the name of the family doctor. Any medication sent to school to be given by the nurse MUST be accompanied by a signed parent consent form and a doctor’s written order stating the child’s name, dosage, how and when the medicine is to be given, and it must have the doctor’s signature to be valid. It must be in the original container with the pharmacist’s label stating the patient’s and doctor’s name, dosage and instructions. Medication out of a bottle, box, etc. without this label cannot be given. This includes aspirin, cough syrup, cold medicine, Pepto Bismol, or any kind of medication. No medicine will be given by the nurse without a doctor’s written order and a signed parent consent form. Teachers cannot dispense medicine of any kind. This includes aspirin.

Racial and Disability Harassment
Racial harassment is unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin under Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Kansas Acts Against Discrimination. Disability harassment is unlawful diescrimination on the basis of disability under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act. All forms of racial or disability harassment are prohibited at school, on school property, and at all school-sponsored activities, programs or events. Racial or disability harassment against individuals associated with school is prohibited, whether or not the harassment occurs on school grounds. USD #438 polices include definitions of racial and disability harassment and instructions for employees or students who wish to file a complaint of racial or disability harassment. All victims of racial or disability harassment and persons with knowledge of such harassment are encouraged to report the harassment immediately. Confidentiality will be maintained throughout the investigation of a complaint. Policies can be viewed at the USD #438 Central Office.

Students that feel they have been discriminated against should contact their building principal or the Superintendent.

Complaints of discrimination by employees should be addressed to an employee’s supervisor or the building principal or the compliance coordinator. Complaints against the superintendent should be addressed to the board of education.

Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is unlawful discrimination on the basis of sex under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Kansas Acts Against Discrimination. All forms of sexual harassment are prohilbited at school, on school property, and at all school -sponsored activities, programs or events. Sexual harassment against individuals associated with the school is prohibited, whether or not the harassment occurs on school grounds. USD #438 policies include definitions of sexual harassment and instructions for employees or students who wish to file a complaint of sexual harassment. All victims of sexual harassment and persons with knowledge of such harassment are encouraged to report the harassment immediately. Confidentiality will be maintained throughout the investigation of a complaint. Policies can be viewed at the USD #438 Central Office.

Special Education
The South Central Kansas Special Education Cooperative (SCKSEC) is a special education school district organized to provide services to children who have mental retardation, specific learning disabilities, hearing, vision, language, or speech impairments, or severe multiple disabilities or for the gifted. It serves fifteen unified school districts in seven counties. (Barber, Comanche, Harper, Kingman, Kiowa, Pratt and Stafford). The main office is located in Pratt. For more information or specifics on referring a child for an evaluation, call (620) 672-7500.

It is the prerogative of parents to determine whether or not to bring or send their youngsters to school if severe weather conditions appear imminent. In the event of a storm after school is in session, school may be dismissed and buses may return the students to their homes. If school is not to be in session, it will be announced over radio station KMMM and TV Channels KWCH and KAKE at approximately 7:00 a.m. We will also post closings on our school website, and by using the School Messenger Phone System.

District Calendar

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Current Weather

Current Condition: clear sky

Temperature: 32.18ËšF

Feels Like: 21.97ËšF

Wind Speeds: 14.56mph

Weather humidity: 74%

Chance of Precipitation: %

Contact Information

Skyline Schools
20269 West Highway 54
Pratt, Kansas 67124
Phone: 620-672-5651